Introduction. Malignant tumors of the tongue (C-01. 02) are relatively rare visual tumor sites. Incidence rate in men is usually 4-5 times higher than in women. To estimate a complex of analytical rates with respect to malignant tumors of the tongue (morphological level of verification, the distribution of patients by the stage of disease, to evaluate one-year and relative survival, etc. ) in accordance with the state report (F. №35) is impossible since malignant tumors of the tongue are not considered separately. Such research can be performed only on the basis of data of the population-based cancer registry. Purpose of the study. To study the prevalence, the detailed structure of morbidity, to estimate a number of analytical rates characterizing malignant tumors of the tongue. Materials and methods. On the basis of materials of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), Statistical Handbooks of the P. A. Herzen Moscow Research Oncological Institute and database of the Population-based Cancer Registry of St. Petersburg there were studied all the aspects put in the purpose of the study, using a range of instructional techniques recommended by the International Association of Cancer Registries, which member we are at number 221. Results. This study showed that from 1970 to 2005 in various countries of the world the incidence rate (standardized rate the world standard) of malignant tumors of the tongue increased a little or maintained its level. In Russia it is possible to carry out such assessment only from 1989 to 2013. During this period the incidence rate of malignant tumors of the tongue has increased from 2,20/0000 till 2,30/0000 in men, and from 0,40/0000 and 0 ,50/0000 in women. In St. Petersburg-Leningrad since 1980 standardized rate of malignant tumors of the tongue has increased from 2,1 till 3,5 0/0000 in men or by 66. 6% and from 0,5 till 1,50/0000 in women three times more. Positive dynamics of survival rates of patients with malignant tumors of the tongue but a significant backlog from the European average retains.References
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