Pilot project for screening cervical cancer using HPV testing
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cervical cancer
human papillomavirus
viral load
cervical dysplasia

How to Cite

Minniakhmetov, I., Zabelin, M., Olkov, I., & Khusainova, R. (2020). Pilot project for screening cervical cancer using HPV testing. Voprosy Onkologii, 66(6), 618–624. https://doi.org/10.37469/0507-3758-2020-66-6-618-624


The results of a large-scale pilot project on HPV-testing by the Hybrid Capture technology (digene HC2 HPV DNA Test) of 28928 women in the Republic of Bashkortostan were summarized. The frequency of high-risk HPV infection in the studied region of Russia was 10.6%, the average viral load was 319.97 RLU / COV ratio in the total sample, which corresponds to a high viral load (more than 3x107 genomic equivalents). In 5.4% of HPV-positive women, cervical pathology was revealed, cervical cancer in the early stages was detected in 21 (0.69%) women (20 cancer in situ and 1 cancer IA).

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