Editorial policy

Focus and Scope

The scientific and practical journal "VOPROSY ONKOLOGII" is the official peer-reviewed publication of the Federal State Budgetary Institute N.N. Petrov National Medical Research Center of Oncology Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Published since 1955. It has been published since 1955. The journal is dedicated to the study of malignant neoplasms and their treatment. It is included in the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific publications of the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia (НАС), recommended for the publication of articles containing materials of candidate and doctoral dissertations. The publication is indexed by the Scopus ,  Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) based on Web of Science. In accordance with the recommendations of НАС, journals included in the RSCI list and international databases, including Scopus, are equated to publications of category K1. Review process: double-blind. Frequency of publication: 6 issues per year (bimonthly).

Since its foundation in 1955, the journal has garnered a strong reputation among oncologists and medical professionals in related fields. It debuted as the initiative of the outstanding scientist and clinician N.N. Petrov, who also assumed the role of editorial team leader. The inaugural editorial board boasted renowned figures including N.N. Blokhin, M.F. Glazunov, L.A. Zilber, R.E. Kavetsky, A.I. Rakov, A.I. Savitsky, A.I. Serebrov, A.D. Timofeevsky, A.V. Chaklin, L.M. Shabad and others.

The high rating of the publication is ensured by the strict selection of published articles, which are reviewed and edited by leading specialists in the field. The editorial board and editorial council comprises well-known experts, including eleven academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Active cooperation in the journal with prominent scientists from Russia, the near and far abroad has formed the scientific, practical and academic foundation of the journal.

The journal provides immediate open access to its content under the Diamond Open Access model, based on the following principle: free dissemination of academic knowledge among readers - publications are fully accessible to readers free of charge, and there are no publication fees. Full-text materials are available open access under theCreative Commons CC-BY.

The journal is registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor). Certificate of registration of mass media - PI No. FS77 47156 of 3 November 2011.

You can subscribe to the print version of the journal "Voprosy Onkologii" through the catalog "Ural-press Okrug" (subscription index 70152), or through the electronic catalog on the website http://www.ural-press.ru/.

On-line subscription

ISSN 0507-3758 (Print)
ISSN 2949-4915 (Online)


The focus of the journal is to attract readers' attention to the most current and promising directions in experimental and clinical oncology.


The journal aims to:

  1. Introduce readers to original research reflecting the latest achievements and prospects of domestic and international medical science and healthcare.
  2. Systematically publish materials that contribute to the further development and improvement of preventive measures against malignant neoplasms (MN) based on the study of factors of the environmental and internal factors of the body, as well as screening and early diagnosis programs.
  3. Create a favorable information space among doctors and scientists about the multidisciplinary, comprehensive, patient-centered and problem-oriented approach to the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of cancer patients.
  4. Publish cutting-edge research at the molecular, cellular and organ levels of the etiology and pathogenesis of MN, based on the latest achievements of a number of natural sciences (genetics, molecular biology, morphology, immunology, biochemistry, biophysics, etc.), in order to improve the treatment efficiency in adults and children.
  5. Promote the integration of pharmacology achievements into clinical practice in the field of creation and use of cytostatics, hormones, and biologically active drugs.
  6. Inform readers about the experimental and clinical development of modern high-tech methods of surgical treatment, including endoscopic and robotic, using all the achievements of anesthesiology, and intensive care aimed at improving the effectiveness of treatment of cancer patients.
  7. Publish articles devoted to the development, improvement, and testing of various variants of radiation therapy; methods of radiomodification; combinations of dose delivery methods of ionizing radiation, provided that the quality of radiation therapy is guaranteed for MN patients.
  8. Fill the published content with interdisciplinary scientific research on the application of various methods of radiotherapy diagnostics, including hybrid technologies.
  9. Offer methodological approaches for planning, organizing, and conducting scientific research; evaluating healthcare technologies, healthcare management; and training specialists at various levels.

Target audience:

  • Researchers
  • Oncologists
  • Pediatric oncologists
  • Chemotherapists
  • Surgeons
  • Molecular geneticists
  • Biochemists
  • Pathomorphologists
  • Immunologists
  • Radiation therapists
  • Radiologists
  • Radiation diagnosticians
  • Specialists in various fields of internal medicine
  • Screening specialists
  • Gynecologists
  • Urologists
  • Cardiologists
  • Endocrinologists
  • Dermatologists
  • Rehabilitation specialists
  • Psychologists
  • Gerontologists, geriatricians
  • Palliative care physicians
  • Epidemiologists
  • Education specialists
  • Healthcare organizers
  • Representatives of state and regional authorities
  • Pharmaceutical company specialists

Journal sections:

  • Original experimental research
  • Original clinical research
  • Statistics
  • Study protocols
  • Systematic literature reviews
  • Recommendations
  • Expert opinion
  • Experience of oncological institutions
  • Discussions
  • History of oncology
  • Literature reviews (upon prior agreement with the editorial team)
  • Description of clinical cases (upon prior agreement with the editorial team)


The journal focuses on publishing materials on experimental, clinical, and fundamental research on the following topics: carcinogenesis mechanisms, prevention, screening, diagnosis, and treatment (surgical, radiation, pharmacological, cellular therapy) of cancer in adults and children, their rehabilitation, palliative care, as well as healthcare organization.

The journal publishes articles on the general principles of carcinogenesis, the role of sensitivity to the initiating action of carcinogenic agents of a particular type in different age groups, the study of mechanisms of genetic (hereditary) transmission of oncological diseases, research on modern molecular-genetic, immunohistochemical, and other methods of diagnosing malignant tumors. The journal extensively covers issues related to screening, statistics, and epidemiology of oncological diseases.

Original clinical studies provide information on modern trends in surgery: combined, extensive, reconstructive and plastic, organ-preserving, endovideo-surgical, X-ray surgeries, interventions using regional chemoperfusion, radiofrequency ablation, and photodynamic therapy, cryosurgery, orthopedics in patients with various benign and malignant tumors.

The journal publishes a large number of articles on the development and implementation of new methods of selection (including individual) of antitumor drug therapy, including targeted therapy and immunotherapy.

Great importance is attached to publications on modern methods of radiation therapy (stereotactic, brachytherapy, radiosurgery, etc.) and chemoradiotherapy.

A number of studies published in the journal address in detail the modern aspects of radiation diagnostics and nuclear medicine.

An important role is assigned to the section dedicated to the history of oncology.

The journal also considers methodological approaches to planning, organizing, and conducting scientific research; evaluating healthcare technologies, healthcare management; and training specialists at various levels.

Publication Schedule

The journal issues 6 times in a year - bimonthly.

Open Access Policy

The journal provides immediate open access to its content on the terms of Diamond Open Access, based on the following principle: free distribution of academic knowledge among readers - publications are completely free to readers and there is no publication fee. Full-text materials are available in open access under the  Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license.


  • Russian State Library (RSL)
  • Russian Scientific Electronic Library (elibrary.ru)
  • Self-archiving by the author

The journal's editorial team permits and even recommends authors to post preprint versions of accepted articles on their personal webpages and on the websites of their organizations with a reference to the original publication on this site.

Authors can not only share links but also freely distribute postprint versions (PDF) of published articles under the terms of an open Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives license, following the principles of Diamond Open Access.

Peer Review Process

The journal "Voprosy Onkologii" uses a double-blind peer review system, which ensures the anonymity of the authors and reviewers (this implies that neither the reviewer is aware of the authorship of the manuscript, nor the author maintains any contact with the reviewer).

Peer review is an essential component of formal scientific communication, allowing the editorial board and the editor-in-chief to make a decision on the publication of the article and also to help the author improve the quality of the work.

The editorial team of the journal urges all specialists reviewing articles to follow the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Any ethical concerns or potential conflicts of interest regarding the article under review should be reported to the editorial office.

Reviewers should not upload the manuscript of a peer-reviewed article to tools or programs that use artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted technologies, as the editorial team is concerned that AI can generate authoritative-sounding output that can be incorrect, incomplete, or biased.

Only those scientific articles that have undergone the peer review process are accepted for publication in the journal.

Before peer review, the editorial team conducts a mandatory plagiarism check of the submitted manuscripts. Textual borrowing exceeding 20% is considered unacceptable.

The scientific journal "Voprosy Onkologii" peer-reviews all materials submitted to the editorial office that correspond to its subject matter for the purpose of expert evaluation. Manuscripts prepared according to the requirements published in the Journal and on the Journal website are accepted for peer review.

  1. The received manuscript is registered and assigned an identification number.
  2. A copy of the registered manuscript is sent for review to members of the editorial board and other specialists based on the profile of the scientific research.
  3. Articles are reviewed by the members of the editorial board and the editorial council of the journal, as well as by external reviewers from among the leading specialists in a particular field that work in scientific areas corresponding to the subject of the article and having publications on the subject of the reviewed article within the last 3 years. Scientific publications of the editor-in-chief are reviewed by external reviewers.
  4. Each article is reviewed by two or more reviewers. Reviewers have the right to refuse to review a manuscript if there is a clear conflict of interest that affects their perception and interpretation of the manuscript's materials.
  5. Specialists working in the same department of the university or research institution where the work was carried out are not involved in the review process.
  6. Reviewing is conducted confidentially (double-blind review): neither the reviewer is aware of the authorship of the manuscript, nor the author maintains any contact with the reviewer. The author of the reviewed work is provided with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the review text.
  7. The review lasts up to 2 weeks. This period is monitored by the editorial team; depending on the situation and at the request of the reviewer, it may be extended.
  8. For the most complete and objective feedback on the article, the editorial team has developed review templates for each type of article. The reviewer has to evaluate each section of the article.
  9. The scientific editor consolidates the review results, prepares the manuscript presentation for the nearest editorial board meeting. Additional comments on the manuscript may also be formulated by the editor.
  10. If the review contains recommendations for improving the article, it should be sent back to the author for revision: the author is provided with the review text and invited to address the reviewer's comments when preparing a new version of the article or to refute them (partially or completely) with justification. Authors have no more than 2 months from the date of the email notification to revise their article. The revised article should then be sent back for peer review.
  11. In case of disagreement with the opinion of the reviewer, the author of the article has the right to provide a reasoned response to the editorial team. The article may be sent for re-review by another expert or for approval by the editorial board.
  12. If the author does not return the revised version after 3 months from the date of sending the review, even in the absence of information from the author refusing to revise the article, the editors terminate the contract. The author will be notified about the withdrawal of the manuscript from registration due to the expiration of the deadline for revision.
  13. The scientific editor may reconcile the author's responses with the reviewers. The scientific editor presents the manuscript to the editorial board on the basis of the reviews, the arguments of the authors and reviewers. Positive reviews is not a sufficient reason for the publication of the article. Members of the editorial board can make additional comments on the article during its consideration. The final decision on publication is made by the editorial board.
  14. Based on the presentation by the scientific editor, the editorial board makes a decision on the further procedure of the article:
    a) the manuscript is recommended for publication in its present form;
    b) the manuscript is recommended for publication subject to correction of the deficiencies noted by the reviewer (the corrections are supervised by the scientific editor);
    c) the manuscript is recommended for substantial revision with subsequent resubmission to the journal (the article undergoes a full review cycle again, and the date of resubmission of the revised article to the editorial office is considered the date of return of the revised article);
    d) additional review of the manuscript is recommended;
    e) the manuscript is recommended for rejection.
  15. The editorial board's decision on each article is recorded in the minutes of the editorial board meeting.
  16. The editorial team of the journal sends authors copies of the reviews of the submitted materials or a motivated refusal, and also undertakes to send copies of the reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation upon receipt of a relevant request. If the editorial board of the journal decides to accept the article for publication, the editorial office informs the author about it and indicates the publication dates.
  17. Authors have the right to appeal editorial decisions regarding the acceptance or rejection of articles.
  18. In conflict situations, the decision is made by the editor-in-chief.

The original reviews are kept in the editorial office of the Journal for 5 years.


The Journal “Voprosy Onkologii” is Recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) and included in the "List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Science and Candidate of Science should be published."

According to the recommendations of the HAC, journals included in the list of RSCI journals and international databases, including Scopus, are equivalent to publications of category K1.

The journal is indexed in the following international and Russian databases and directory editions:

The journal is registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor). Certificate of registration of mass media - PI No. FS77 47156 of 3 November 2011.

ISSN 0507-3758 (Print)
ISSN 2949-4915 (Online)

Publication Ethics

Editorial Responsibilities

The board also adheres to the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and relies on the experience of authoritative international journals and publishers at www.icmje.org (the current translation of ICMJE recommendations into Russian: https://rassep.ru/academy/biblioteka/106602/), on the Policies for Medical Journal Editors, prepared by the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) Ethics and Policy Committee, taking into account international recommendations EQUATOR

The editors publish only the results of those studies that were conducted in compliance with the norms of biomedical ethics and the standards of the Helsinki Declaration of 1975 of the World Medical Association (WMA) (2013) and Good Clinical Practice (GCP).

The editors ensure the objectivity and impartiality of the work of reviewers, promptly identifying cases of violations and taking measures to rectify them.

The decision on choosing a reviewer for the examination of the manuscript is made by the editor-in-chief or the responsible editor.

The editorial team of the journal bears full responsibility for compliance with the principles outlined in this document.

Reviewer Responsibilities

Contribution to Editorial Decisions

Peer review assists the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Board in making editorial decisions and, through the collaboration of the editor and the author, can help the author improve their work.


Any reviewer selected to assess a manuscript who feels unqualified to evaluate the research presented in the paper, or knows that the prompt review will not be possible, should inform the notify the editor and decline the review assignment.


Manuscripts submitted to journals for review are privileged communications that are authors’ private, confidential property.. It should not be disclosed to or discussed with other reviewers without prior permission from the Editor-in-Chief.

Reviewers are not recommended to upload the manuscript of the reviewed article to tools or programs using AI, as the Editorial team is concerned about potential breaches of the manuscript's confidentiality. Reviewers should be aware that AI can generate authoritative-sounding output that can be incorrect, incomplete, or biased.

Standards of Objectivity

Reviews of scientific papers should be objective. Personal criticism of the author is inappropriate. Reviewers should express their views clearly and with supporting arguments.

Acknowledgement of Sources

Reviewers should acknowledge relevant published works in the reviewed material that have not been cited by the authors. Any statements, conclusions, or arguments that have already been used in other publications should be properly cited. The reviewer is also obliged to draw the editor's attention to any substantial or partial similarity to any other work with which the reviewer is directly familiar.

Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest

Reviewers should not participate in the review and evaluation of manuscripts in which they have a personal interest and are obliged to inform the editors of any conflicts of interest.

Unpublished materials used in the submitted manuscript should not be used in the reviewer's own research without the written consent of the author.

Confidential information or ideas obtained during the review process should be kept confidential and not used for personal gain.

The journal has a programme to support active reviewers:

  • Accelerated review: Unlike regular manuscripts, the editorial team will only need the first positive review from an independent expert to make a decision on publication.
  • Accelerated publication: Articles submitted by reviewers receive expedited consideration and are prioritized ahead of the general queue.

Authors' Responsibilities

Аuthor guidelines

Authors must conduct research that complies with the norms of biomedical ethics and the standards of the Helsinki Declaration of 1975 of the World Medical Association (WMA) (2013) and GCP (Good Clinical Practice).

Hazards and Human or Animal Subjects

The author should clearly indicate in the manuscript whether the study involves chemicals, procedures or equipment that have any unusual hazards inherent in their use.

The author should ensure that the manuscript includes a statement that all procedures involving the use of animal or human subjects have been performed in compliance with applicable laws and regulations and have been approved by the appropriate Ethical Committee.

Statement on Human and Animal Rights

Authors should include a statement of compliance that informed consent for participation was obtained when conducting experiments involving humans as research subjects.

Every precaution must be taken to protect the privacy of research subjects and the confidentiality of their personal information.

If there is any doubt that the research was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association, adopted in 1975 and revised in 2013, the authors must justify their approach and demonstrate that the local Ethics Committee has explicitly approved the questionable aspects of the research.

When presenting information about animal experiments, authors should indicate whether local and national guidelines for the care and use of laboratory animals were followed.

When reporting experiments on animal subjects, authors should indicate whether the procedures followed were in accordance with local and national guidelines for the care and use of laboratory animals.

Russian and international regulatory and legal documents:

A detailed list of regulatory and legal international and Russian documents is presented in the INFORMATION RESOURCES section.

Data Access and Retention

Authors may be asked to provide the raw data in connection with a paper for editorial review.

Authors should be prepared to provide public access to such data (consistent with the ALPSP-STM Statement on Data and Databases), if practicable, and should in any event be prepared to retain such data for a reasonable time after publication.

Originality and plagiarism

Authors should not submit papers that have been published in or that have been submitted to other journals.

Authors should submit only original work.

The journal "Voprosy Onkologii" does not publish plagiarism of any kind.

Plagiarism of text, ideas or data is considered unethical and is unacceptable.

The use of unfair textual borrowing and the appropriation of research results that do not belong to the authors of the submitted manuscript is unacceptable.

The Editorial office necessarily checks submitted manuscripts for plagiarism. Textual similarity of more than 20% is considered unacceptable. The article can be checked for originality before submission using the services https://www.antiplagiat.ru/ (for Russian-language texts) and http://www.plagiarism.org/ (for English-language texts).

When using text or graphic information obtained from the works of others, references to the corresponding publications or written permission of the author are required

In case of detection of plagiarism of any kind, the editorial team will act in accordance with the recommendations of COPE:

Multiple, Redundant or Concurrent Publication

An author should not, in general, publish manuscripts describing essentially the same research in more than one journal or primary publication. 

Submitting manuscripts describing essentially the same research in more than one journal or primary publication constitutes unethical publishing behaviour and is unacceptable. An author should not submit for consideration in another journal a previously published manuscript. https://publicationethics.org/sites/default/files/plagiarism-published-article-cope-flowc hart.pdf

If elements of a manuscript have been previously published in another article, the authors are required to cite the primary work and indicate how the secondary publication differs substantially from the previous one.

Verbatim copying of their own work and paraphrasing is unacceptable and can only be used as a basis for new conclusions.

Acknowledgement of Sources

Proper acknowledgment of the work of others must always be given. Authors are required to acknowledge the contributions of others who have influenced the nature of the research presented. Bibliographic references to the works used are mandatory.

Information obtained privately, as in conversation, correspondence, or discussion with third parties, must not be used or reported without explicit, written permission from the source.

References of the primary work should also be provided in the second publication.

For more information on acceptable forms of secondary publication, see www.icmje.org.

Authorship of the Paper

The ICMJE recommends that authorship be based on the following 4 criteria:

All those who have made significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study should be listed as co-authors.

Where there are others who have participated in certain substantive aspects of the research project, they should be acknowledged or listed as contributors.

The corresponding author should ensure that all appropriate co-authors are included on the paper, and that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the paper and have agreed to its submission for publication.

In case of changes in the authorship of a publication, the Editorial office will act in accordance with COPE guidelines.


Since acknowledgements may imply the endorsement of the results and conclusions of the research by the referenced persons, the correspondent author, provide a scanned copy of written permission from all acknowledged individuals (specifying the article and journal titles) when submitting the manuscript to the editorial office.

Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest

In accordance with the ICMJE recommendations, not only authors, but also reviewers and editors should declare any conflicts of interest - https://www.icmje.org/recommendations/browse/roles-and-responsibilities/author-res ponsibilities--conflicts-of-interest.html 

All authors should disclose in their manuscript any financial or other substantive conflict of interest that might be construed to influence the results or interpretation of their manuscript. All sources of financial support for the project should be disclosed.

Authors are responsible to report any existing or potential conflicts of interest. A conflict of interest can be considered any situation that could influence the author of a manuscript and lead to concealment, misrepresentation of data, or change the interpretation of the data.

The presence of a conflict of interest in one or more authors is not a reason for refusing to publish an article.

The concealment of potential and apparent conflicts of interest on the part of the authors revealed by the Editorial office may lead to refusal to consider and publish the manuscript.

Examples of potential conflicts of interest that should be disclosed include:

  • Receiving financial compensation for participating in a study or writing a manuscript.
  • Having any affiliation (employment, consulting, ownership, honoraria, expert testimony) with organizations that have a direct interest in the subject matter of the research or review.
  • Filing a patent application or registering a patent on the results of the research (copyright, etc.).
  • Receiving financial support for any stage of the research or writing of the manuscript (including grants and other financial support).

Apparent and potential conflicts of interest should be disclosed as early as possible.

Information about conflicts of interest received from authors of manuscripts is not provided to reviewers and is only available to the Editorial board when making a final decision on the manuscript.

Information about conflicts of interest is also published in the full text of the article.

Funding of research and publications

If the research and/or the preparation of the article had financial support, the source of funding should be indicated.

If there was no financial support, it is necessary to indicate its absence. This information should be provided in Russian, English or both languages after the text of the article in the "Funding" section.

Fundamental Errors in Published Works

When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her own published work, it is the author's obligation to promptly notify the journal editor, and cooperate with the editor to retract or correct the paper in accordance with ICMJE guidelines https://www.icmje.org/recommendations/browse/publishing-and-editorial-issues/corre ctions-and-version-control.html.


If the editor or the publisher learn from a third party that a published work contains a significant error, it is the obligation of the author to promptly retract or correct the paper or provide evidence to the editor of the correctness of the original paper as soon as possible.

Article Retraction Policy

  • The published article consists incorrect and/or unformatted borrowing (plagiarism);
  • The manuscript has previously been published elsewhere;
  • The article contains self-plagiarism with a large amount of repetition of research results previously published elsewhere;
  • Data falsification or fabrication (e.g., of experimental data) is detected;
  • The major error in the publication (e.g., miscalculation or experimental error), that cast doubt on the scientific value of the article;
  • Problematic authorship (failing to credit deserving authors and giving credit to undeserving authors);
  • The author(s) failed to disclose a major conflict of interest;
  • Redundant publication of the article without the author's consent;
  • Other violations.

Retraction Procedure

  1. The retraction procedure is carried out after an investigation has been conducted and a decision has been made by the editor-in-chief and the editorial board of the scientific journal based on the results of the investigation.
  2. The decision to retract an article is formalized in the Minutes of the Editorial Board Meeting.
  3. Information about the retraction of the article is placed in the section Retraction of the journal issue closest to the date of the decision.
  4. On the journal's website, in the contents of the issue in which the article is published, and in the metadata of the article in HTML format, information about the retraction of the article is placed, with information about the reason for the retraction. The electronic version of the article is marked as RETRACTED and the date of retraction is indicated.
  5. A brief extract from the Minutes with the date of retraction may also be posted on the journal's website in the Retraction section, which includes information about all retracted articles.
  6. After the completion of the article retraction procedure in the journal, information about the retraction should be sent to all national and foreign information resources in which the journal is indexed or hosted.
  7. To Russian and other publications included in the Scientific Electronic Library (eLibrary.ru), as well as to other Russian information resources (CyberLeninka, RUKONT, other electronic libraries), it is necessary to send the following materials to these resources: Minutes of the editorial board meeting at which the decision to retract was made. The same materials are sent to the Association of Science Editors and Publishers (ASEP) for inclusion in the ASEP Database of Retracted Articles (ASEP RA DB).
  8. Withdrawn articles (metadata and full text) remain on the elibrary.ru platform with a mark that the article has been retracted (in the metadata and in the full text, which also bears the text Отозвана / Retracted). However, withdrawn articles and links to them and from them are excluded from the RSCI and do not participate in the calculation of the journal's indicators.

The article retraction procedure complies with the recommendations of the ICMJE.

Conflict Resolution Commission

To resolve issues and complaints related to possible violations of editorial ethics principles, a Commission is established in the editorial office of each journal.

The Chairman and members of the Commission are elected from among the members of the editorial board and editorial council of the corresponding journal by a vote of the editorial board members.

The composition, working procedures of the Commission and contact information of the person to whom complaints are addressed are posted on the journal's website. The Commission considers complaints from authors, readers, reviewers, editors and publishers.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Assisted Technology

To Authors

At submission, the journal should require authors to disclose whether they used artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted technologies (such as Large Language Models [LLMs], chatbots, or image creators) in the production of submitted work.

Authors who use such technology should describe, in both the cover letter and the submitted work in the appropriate section if applicable, how they used it.

For example, if AI was used for writing assistance, describe this in the acknowledgment section.

If AI was used for data collection, analysis, or figure generation, authors should describe this use in the “Methods” section: the name of the language model or tool, version, extension number and manufacturer.

Chatbots (such as ChatGPT) should not be listed as authors or co-authors, nor can authors refer to AI as an author.

Authors are responsible for accuracy, correctness and should be able to assert that there is no plagiarism in any submitted material that included the use of AI-assisted technologies.

To Reviewers

Reviewers are advised not to upload the manuscript of the peer-reviewed article to tools or programs that use AI, as the editors are concerned about possible violations of the confidentiality of the manuscript itself. Reviewers should also understand that there is a risk of AI generating incorrect, incomplete or biased results.

WAME Chatbots, Generative AI, and Scholarly Manuscript

The original text of this statement is presented in the ICMJE recommendations

Publication Fee

Publication in "Voprosy Onkologii" journal is free for all authors.

Founder and Publisher

Founder: Federal State Budgetary Institution N.N. Petrov National Medical Research Centre of Oncology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (FSBI N.N. Petrov NMRC of Oncology of the Ministry of Health of Russia)

Funding source for the work of the editorial team is is the Autonomous Non-profit Scientific and Medical Organisation (ANSMO) “Questions of Oncology”, established by FSBI N.N. Petrov NMRC of Oncology of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

  • https://www.niioncologii.ru/science/annmo
  • Autonomous Non-Profit Autonomous Non-profit Scientific and Medical Organisation “Questions of Oncology” (ANSMO “Questions of Oncology”)
  • Director: Prudius Stanislav Viktorovich acting on the basis of the Charter
  • Address: 68 Leningradskaya street, Pesochny, Saint Petersburg, 197758, Russia
  • Phone: +7 (812) 439-95-66
  • Website: https://www.niioncologii.ru
  • Email: center.petrova@niioncologii.ru
  • The journal is registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor).

Certificate of registration of mass media - PI No. FS77 47156 of 3 November 2011.

Advertising Policy

The advertising in the journal and on its website is related to its content. The advertising placed does not in any way influence editorial decisions.

The editorial board adheres to the recommendations of the ICMJE and the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 13 March 2006 No. 38-FZ "On Advertising":

  • Does not carry advertisements for products proven to be seriously harmful to health;
  • Does not publish advertisements intended to be juxtaposed with editorial content on the same product;
  • The label "Sponsored" is placed on all advertising materials;
  • Editorial team has full and final authority for approving print and online advertisements.

Advertising does not influence editorial decisions.

For information regarding advertising placement, please send a request to:

Irina M. Bykova, Secretary to the Editor-in-Chief
Contacts:  journal@voprosyonkologii.ru , bykovaim@niioncologii.ru
Phone: +7 (812) 439-95-66, +7 (911) 711-08-42