Principal occupation: Deputy Director-General - Medical Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution the North-West District Scientific and Clinical Center named after L.G. Sokolov FMBA of Russia. (St. Petersburg).
Academic degree, title: Doctor of Sci. (Med.), Professor.
Scientific speciality: 3.1.25. Radiation diagnostics.
Publications: 466 research papers, 18 textbooks, 3 manuals, 6 patents.
Over the past 5 years, he has authored 37 publications in the HAC's officially approved journals.
Professional memberships:
- Member of the Presidium of the St. Petersburg Radiological Society (SPRO);
- Member of the Russian Association of Radiologists (RAR);
- European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology (ESGAR); European Society of Radiology (ESR);
- Member of the specialized Dissertation Council of the S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy;
- Freelance chief specialist in radiation diagnostics of the FMBA of Russia;
- Chair of the expert group of the Attestation Commission of the FMBA of Russia.
Journal editorial board membership:
- Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine (ISSN 0042-4676 Print; 2619-0478 Online);
- The Hospital - Theoretical and Practical Journal of Federal Medical and Biological Agency (ISSN 2226-3071);
- Voprosy Onkologii (ISSN 0507–3758).
Area of expertise: Radiological diagnosis and differential diagnosis of liver, biliary tract, and pancreatic diseases; using contrast agents in the differential diagnosis of oncological diseases; magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography; development and implementation of standards for radiological diagnosis in clinical practice; ultrasonic diagnosis of gastrointestinal diseases; improvement of the principles of using RADS in clinical practice; professor, teaching radiological diagnosis at the Scientific and Clinical Educational Center "Radiological Diagnosis and Nuclear Medicine" of the Medical Faculty of St. Petersburg State University.
eLibrary SPIN: 4110-0454
ORCID: 0000-0002-9645-8408
Scopus: 7005357742
ResearcherID: I-5413-2015
PubMed: Ratnikov VA