What minor KRAS mutations should be analyzed in colorectal cancer?
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colorectal cancer
minor mutations
KRAS gene

How to Cite

Fomin, I. N., & Kovalenko, S. P. (2025). What minor KRAS mutations should be analyzed in colorectal cancer?. Voprosy Onkologii, 71(1), OF–2188. https://doi.org/10.37469/0507-3758-2025-71-1-OF-2188


The selection of minor mutations in KRAS gene suggested for analysis in colorectal cancer patients before anti-EGFR treatment are discussed in line with the available clinical data.

It is shown that to date there are no unambiguous results of clinical studies that would demonstrate the clinical significance of all known mutations in codons 59, 61, 117, 146 of the KRAS gene in colorectal cancer. Only those KRAS mutations the analysis of which is fully justified based on clinical data suggested to be included in the list of mutations recommended for the analysis in clinics. In conclusion, it is noted that the analysis of mutations before the use of anti-EGFR therapy does not have statistically significant clinical justification for mutations A146V, A146P and is not justified for all mutations in codon 59 of KRAS gene.

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