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Shakirova, E., Panov, A., Akhmetzyanova, A., Gafiullina, A., Ibragimova, L., Kirillov, S., & Safiullina, L. (2019). SURGERY FOR RESIDUAL DISEASE AFTER RADIOTHERAPY IN LOCALLY ADVANCED CERVICAL CANCER. Voprosy Onkologii, 65(5), 721–725.


Aims: Chemoradiation (CRT) is the standard treatment for locally advanced cervical cancer (LACC). However part of the patients develop recurrence during the first year after treatment despite good visible effect at the first follow-up. The role of completion surgery after radiotherapy (RT) is still debated. A number of papers have showed that up to 60% of patients have residual tumor after CRT and RT. But such a surgery is not widely recommended because of increased morbidity of the treatment. The aim of this study was to assess the results of surgery after radiotherapy of LACC.

Method: We retrospectively evaluated data on 86 patients with cervical cancer IB - IIIB stages (mostly stage IIB) who underwent surgery in different modalities after CRT and RT with good clinical response in our department in 2015-2018.

Results: When small asymptomatic residual disease was detected early after radiotherapy radical hysterectomy was feasible in most of the cases. Patients with clinical manifestation of recurrence had very poor prognosis. Surgery of recurrent cervical cancer sufficiently deteriorates quality of life, even if possible.

Conclusion: Thorough examination with adding MRI imaging after initial treatment of cervical cancer needed to identify patients who may benefit from adjuvant hysterectomy.
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