Worldwide, tobacco use is a major behavioral risk factor for cancer. A comparative study conducted in 2017 showed that 7.10 million deaths were associated with smoking. Tobacco consumption not only increases the risk of developing various forms of cancer, but also reduces life expectancy after suffering a cancer, and increases the risk of relapse. In patients with lung cancer who underwent lung resection, smoking increased the risk of nosocomial mortality by three times and significantly increased the incidence of pulmonary complications. In addition to the localization and stage of cancer, abstinence from tobacco consumption has been noted as the strongest predictor of survival in cancer patients. In the United States, National Recommendations for Comprehensive Cancer Treatment (NCCN) included recommendations for the treatment of nicotine addiction, including 12 weeks of behavioral therapy (including telephone counseling) in combination with smoking cessation drugs for all patients receiving treatment in oncological clinics. Treatment of nicotine addiction has proven cost-effective: in particular, it has been shown for a smoking cessation program prior to surgical resection of the lung. Principles 5 A are recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) to assist in the smoking cessation. There are national guidelines in other countries. In the Russian Federation, clinical guidelines “Tobacco addiction syndrome, tobacco withdrawal syndrome in adults” were adopted. Given the significant impact of smoking on the prognosis of cancer, the treatment of nicotine addiction should be an integral part of the treatment of malignant tumors. The most effective treatment is the combination of pharmacotherapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy. Teaching behavioral methods to overcome the withdrawal syndrome can be conducted by calling the to Quitline, organized by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
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