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Kasparov, B., Semiglazova, T., Kovlen, D., Ponomarenko, G., Klyuge, V., Krutov, A., Osetnik, V., Tynkasova, M., Kondrateva, K., Zaozerskiy, O., Semiglazov, V., Nosov, A., & Belyaev, A. (2020). REHABILITATION OF PATIENTS WITH PROSTATE CANCER. Voprosy Onkologii, 66(2), 196–203.


The purpose of rehabilitation for prostate cancer patients is to recover psychological, physical, cognitive, social, and vocational functions. Prostate cancer treatment options have the risk of several side effects including loss of muscle strength, fatigue, pain, urinary incontinence, erectile dysfunction, cognitive problems, decrease in bone density, weight loss, gynecomastia, and hot flushes with stress-related psychosocial problems. This paper describes briefly cancer rehabilitation of patients with prostate cancer for minimizing the morbidity rate associated with prostate cancer treatment and to improve QOL.
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