HCC epidemiologic data in Sverdlovsk region are presented in current issue. 1293 of new cases of HCC were diagnosed since 2015 till 2019. The incidence rate of HCC in 2019 was 6,53 cases per 100000 people and standardized incidence ratio was 3,48 per 100000 people. The maximum of new cases was among the people older than 70 years. HCC developed in cirrhotic liver in 70,2% of cases. The main risk factors were virus hepatitis (49,6%), regular alcohol consumption (23%) and obesity (9,9%). The post-mortem diagnosis exceeds 40% of cases. The one-year mortality was 72-73%. The number of patients with HCC sent to the regional oncology dispensary increased in the last 5 years in 5 times. There were 124 of such patients in 2019. The majority has HCC at BCLC D stage (56,5%). Only 16,7% of patients received specialized treatment. The introduction of multidisciplinary team led to a doubling of annual number of treated patients with HCC.References
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