Colorectal cancer remains one of the most common tumors. In the structure of cancer mortality in Russia, tumors of this localization occupy the second place among persons of both sexes, giving way to the cancer of the trachea and bronchi in men, and breast cancer in women, respectively. Despite modern diagnostic methods and approaches to treatment, the problem of colorectal cancer remains acute due to increasing morbidity throughout the world, and recently there has been a downward trend in the average age of patients, which increases the social significance of the problem. According to the modern concept of carcinogenesis, assessment of the influence of genetic factors on the development of tumors of this localization looks very promising. Research aimed at finding a connection between genetic markers, single-nucleotide polymorphisms of genes and their contribution to the problem of colorectal cancer is one of the most studied directions in modern oncology. In this review, the work done related to the role of gene polymorphisms in the development and therapy of colorectal cancer was evaluated. The works were searched for in the databases of PubMed and Cyber Leninka. The known data about some genes participating in different processes of human organism are given. The data on sensitization and protective effects of polymorphisms of genes, the effect of polymorphisms on the result of treatment of colorectal cancer are presented. The necessity of further work in this direction in order to search for genetic markers and the possibility of implementing the definition of gene polymorphism in clinical practice for personalization of treatment of patients with colorectal cancer are discussed.
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