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Titov, K., Kazakov, A., Baryshnikova, M., & Markin, A. (2020). THE EFFECT OF TUMOR STEM CELLS ON PROGNOSIS FOR LOCALIZED MELANOMA OF THE SKIN. Voprosy Onkologii, 66(5), 535–539.


Objective: to determine the prognostic value of tumor stem cells in patients with primary stage I-II skin melanoma.

Materials and methods: The study was conducted on surgical material from 48 patients with an established diagnosis of stage I-II skin melanoma. Planned histological examination of the material was carried out according to routine technology with an assessment of: type of melanoma, thickness (Breslow), invasion (according to Clark), the presence or absence of ulceration, the severity of lymphoid infiltration. For immunohistochemical studies, the expression of ABCB5 and CD133 markers was carried out with monoclonal antibodies: CD133 (rabbit polyclonal to human CD133, 1: 100 dilution, ab19898, Abcam) and ABCB5 (5H3C6 clone, 1: 200 dilution, ab140667, Abcam), incubation with antibodies at 4 ° С 16-18 hours. Expression was evaluated using a point scale of intensity (0, 1+, 2+, 3+) and the percentage (0-100%) of positive cells among all tumor cells in the sample. The statistical significance of the results was estimated by calculating the correlation coefficient by the rank method (Spearman’s method).

Results: a statistically significant relationship was found between the presence of stem cell markers of melanoma tumors and 2-year overall and relapse-free survival, as well as a correlation between the presence of CSCs and a number of morphological characters.

Conclusions: the presence of tumor stem cell markers affects the 2-year prognosis in patients with primary stage I-II skin melanoma. In addition, the presence of CSCs is associated with a larger thickness of the tumor according to Breslow and a higher level of Clark invasion, more pronounced lymphoid infiltration. These data can improve the prognosis and diagnosis of patients with localized melanoma of the skin.
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