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Vorobtsova, I., Kanaeva, M., Semenov, A., & Dobrogorskaya, M. (2018). PARENTAL AGE AT CONCEPTION AND RISK OF MALIGNANCIES IN CHILDREN. Voprosy Onkologii, 64(1), 41–47.


There are considered results of studies on the association between parental age at conception and risk of various childhood and adult-onset cancers in progeny. In spite of inconsistency of data available it is possible to affirm that advanced parental age is a risk factor of cancer in progeny as well as of other adverse health effects. Paternal age seems to be more significant then maternal age due to particularity of gametogenesis in men lasted during whole life (as opposed to women). In a result sperm accumulates much more potential carcenogenic injuries (mutations, epigenetic alterations, particularity of telomeres) transmitted to progeny. The standard designs of studies are described (case-control, population cohort) as well as sources of personal information (Cancer Registers, Registers of Births, interview), parameters of assessment of parental age effect (mean age of parents in case and control groups, odds ratio - OR, relative risk - RR). The causes of discrepancy of results are discussed. Some unusual results are described (association between parental age and hematological cancer, in adult offspring limited to participants without siblings in childhood, protective effect of older ages of parents for some kinds of malignancies in children) which need further investigations.
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