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Shcherbakov, V., Ryabichenko, T., Skosyreva , G., & Trunov, A. (2018). EPITHELIAL-MESENCHYMAL AND MESENCHYMAL-EPITHELIAL TRANSITION, PATHOGENESIS, REGULATION, THERAPY. Voprosy Onkologii, 64(1), 62–72. https://doi.org/10.37469/0507-3758-2018-64-1-62-72


The review considered the issues of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and its role in inflammation, fibrosis, tumor growth. There were analyzed mechanisms and classification of EMT. A comparison of different forms of EMTs was performed. The important role of EMT in the formation of metastasis-initiating cells was noted. There were presented data on the role of fibroblasts in fibrosis of the lung, carcinogenesis. Stimulators and inhibitors of EMTs were summarized. There were considered intracellular paths that were associated with the development of the EMT under the influence of transforming growth factor ß1 (TGF - ß1). It also induced the development of local hypothyroidism, for easy expression of oncofetal genes, which was especially important in tumor growth. Therapy EMT was associated with blocking the actions of TGF - ß1 and was an important area in anticancer therapy.

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