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Kochurova, E., Lapina, N., & Izhnina, E. (2018). CURRENT TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH MALIGNANT TUMOR OF OROFARYNGEAL REGION. Voprosy Onkologii, 64(1), 73–78.


Head and neck cancer is the sixth most common cancer worldwide. It is a complex problem due to the high incidence, which is increasing. Disturbances in the oropharyngeal region lead to persistent morphological and functional disorders, affect food intake, speech, breathing, hearing, vision, facial expressions and the appearance of patients. However effective treatment is available only in the early stages of the disease. Treatment of locallY., relapsing and disseminated tumors unsatisfactory despite the interdisciplinary approach. Invalidation of patients causes irreparable psychological damage to person and leads to rejection of the necessary surgical treatment. In this connection the choice of treatment is based on the maximum preservation of the form and function of the organ, localization and spread of the process, pathomorphological examination, the age of patients, and concurrent general diseases. However the combined method of treatment is the most effective regardless the morphological variant of malignant tumor of oropharyngeal region.
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