Possibilities for preventing seroma formation after axillary lymphatic dissection (literature review)
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axillary lymph node dissection
prevention of seroma
breast cancer

How to Cite

Kamaletdinov, I., Ismagilov, A., & Mizipova, G. (2020). Possibilities for preventing seroma formation after axillary lymphatic dissection (literature review). Voprosy Onkologii, 66(6), 625–629. https://doi.org/10.37469/0507-3758-2020-66-6-625-629


Axillary dissection leads to the formation of a cavity in which serous fluid accumulates after surgery and causes seroma formation. The high frequency of this complication causes the need for preventive measures. Effective use of this preventive measures will reduce the economic burden on the medical institution, accelerate the rehabilitation of patients and improve their quality of life. This review article presents an analysis of the causes of formation and possible methods for preventing the development of seroma, with an assessment of their effectiveness.

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