Effectiveness of the model used for screening and early diagnosis of cervical cancer in Karelia
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cervical cancer
early diagnosis
cytological screening

How to Cite

, & . (2014). Effectiveness of the model used for screening and early diagnosis of cervical cancer in Karelia. Voprosy Onkologii, 60(3), 298–305. https://doi.org/10.37469/0507-3758-2014-60-3-298-305


The article presents the results of a study of the dynamics of morbidity and mortality from cervical cancer among women in Karelia and detection rate of cancer in situ of the cervix during cytological screening in various areas of Karelia from 1998 to 2012. It is shown that cervical cancer incidence in Karelia for this period increased 3 times more. At the same time it is marked an increase of the level of cervical cancer early diagnosis by increasing the detection rate of the disease in Stages I-II from 66.1% to 77.4% and also an increase in the detection rate of preinvasive cervical cancer from 24,3% in 1998-2002 up to 62,8% in 2008-2012. On the example of Kondopoga region of Karelia it is showed that to ensure early diagnosis of cervical cancer in 95% it is necessary a coverage of the female population at least 70%. This coverage can be achieved by establishing a state program of organized cytological screening for cervical cancer.
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