Independent hormone therapy for precancer and initial endometrial cancer: pros and cons
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endometrial atypical hyperplasia
endometrial cancer
hormone therapy
preservation of fertility

How to Cite

, , , , , , , , & . (2014). Independent hormone therapy for precancer and initial endometrial cancer: pros and cons. Voprosy Onkologii, 60(3), 306–312.


There are presented the results of conservative treatment of 121 patients with endometrial atypical hyperplasia (EAH) and the initial endometrial cancer (EC) with preservation of fertility. In EAH (n = 56) during 6 months there was used the intrauterine spiral Mirena. The efficiency was 91 %, the recurrence rate - 16 %, pregnancies occurred in 16 % of patients. In EC (n = 65) hormone therapy was conducted during 6 months using the intrauterine spiral Mirena and zoladex. The efficiency was 79 %, recurrence rate - 22 %, pregnancies occurred in 24 % of patients. Basing on own data and the results of other studies the benefits and risks of independent hormone therapy for EAH and EC are discussed in women of reproductive age.
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