The Federal project “Cancer Control” was launched in 2019. Its main objective is to reduce mortality from malignant neoplasms in Russia.
The main goal of this research is to develop a methodology for assessment of innovative drugs treatment impact on reducing mortality from neoplasms (including malignant) and testing it in the case of some novel drugs.
Materials and methods. Firstly, we assessed the number of patients, who annually can start a novel drug treatment. Afterwards we estimated the number of deaths, which could be avoided due to the efficacy differences between innovative drugs compared to the standard of care in terms of overall survival. Obtained results were than correlated to the reduction in malignant mortality ratio needed to achieve annually (comparing to the basis 2020). For the approbation of the model, we chose durvalumab, osimertinib and olaparib, which are indicated for lung and ovarian cancer treatment.
Results. Annually 6 746 patients can start the treatment: 2 391 with durvalumab, 2 334 with osimertinib, 2 021 with olaparib. In the 2021-2023 frame durvalumab treatment can help to avoid 779 deaths, osimertinib treatment can help to avoid 723 deaths, olaparib treatment can help to avoid 679 deaths (totally 10,8% of reduction in deaths needed to achieve 2021-2023 goals).
Conclusion. Novel antineoplastic drugs treatment leads to a quantifiable reduction in mortality from malignant neoplasms in Russia.
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