The purpose of the study. To establish the features of clinical and radiological manifestations of the disease and the effectiveness of methods of examination of patients with a combination of lung cancer and tuberculosis.
Material and methods. The analysis of the case histories of 38 lung cancer patients aged 42 to 82 years, 31 men and 7 women who were in the Voronezh regional tuberculosis dispensary in 1995–2019 was carried out. In 20 patients, cancer was combined with active pulmonary tuberculosis (group 1) and in 18 patients with inactive residual changes in the lungs after earlier tuberculosis (group 2). Research methods: clinical, laboratory, instrumental, morphological, statistical using the SPSS Statistics 10 program.
Results. In group 1, focal pulmonary tuberculosis in the infiltration phase was detected in 2 (10.0%), infiltrative tuberculosis — in 18 (90.0%) patients. Central lung cancer was found in 12 (60.0%), peripheral — in 8 (40.0%) patients. Lung cancer was detected in stage I in 5 (25.0%), in stage II in 6 (30.0%), in stage III in 4 (20.0%) and in stage IV in 5 (25.0%) patients. In group 2, central lung cancer was detected in 7 (38.9%), peripheral lung cancer in 11 (61.1%) patients. Lung cancer was detected in stage I in 3 (16.7%), in stage II in 2 (11.1%), in stage III in 3 (16.7%) and in stage IV in 10 (55.5%) patients.
Conclusion. The combination of lung cancer and tuberculosis is more often observed in men, more often in the elderly and senile age. Cancer occurs in the lung on the side of the tuberculous lesion with active tuberculosis in 75.0%, with inactive — in 83.3% of cases. Microbiological and morphological methods of investigation are the most effective for verifying the diagnosis of a combination of tuberculosis and lung cancer.
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