Retrospective evaluation of the influence of genes of the proteolysis system on the course of papillary thyroid cancer in operated patients.
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papillary thyroid cancer
matrix metalloproteinases
gene variants
clinical outcomes, prediction

How to Cite

Bogatikov , A., Kuzmichev , A., & Сhukhlovin A. (2022). Retrospective evaluation of the influence of genes of the proteolysis system on the course of papillary thyroid cancer in operated patients. Voprosy Onkologii, 68(4), 445–449.


The article presents long-term results of observation of patients operated on with papillary thyroid cancer. In the course of the work, through a comprehensive analysis of the clinical and morphological characteristics of papillary thyroid carcinoma and functional variants of the genes of the proteolysis system, the relationship of gene variants regulating the collagen degradation system with the features of the clinical course of papillary thyroid carcinoma in different age groups was established.
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