Clinical evaluation of the effectiveness of radiation treatment for endometrial cancer
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endometrial cancer

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(2014). Clinical evaluation of the effectiveness of radiation treatment for endometrial cancer. Voprosy Onkologii, 60(3), 371–374.


The study is based on data on 306 patients with endometrial cancer treated as combined (remote + contact) and only the contact exposure with low, medium and high dose rate. For comparative radiobiological evaluation of reactions of irradiated tissues there were used the following radiobiological models: factor time-dose-fractionation, the cumulative radiation effect, linear- quadratic model in the variant of biologically effective dose. Survival of endometrial cancer patients undergone combined or only the contact radiation treatment was determined by the stage of disease. In particular, the survival of patients with Stage IB endometrial cancer (combined radiation treatment) was significantly higher than in Stage IС, while in Stage IB (contact radiation treatment) was significantly higher than in Stages IС и IIB. Long-term results of radiation treatment of patients with all Stages of endometrial cancer were significantly better by16 % when only the contact radiation treatment was performed. The most preferred component of radiotherapy in women suffering from endometrial cancer with severe comorbidities was brachytherapy with high dose rate both in the combined and only contact irradiation.
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