A clinical case of a combination of full-term pregnancy and stomach cancer
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stomach cancer
rectal cancer
full-term pregnancy

How to Cite

Padrul, M., Statnykh, N., Goffman, T., & Polyakova, T. (2022). A clinical case of a combination of full-term pregnancy and stomach cancer. Voprosy Onkologii, 68(6), 839–845. https://doi.org/10.37469/0507-3758-2022-68-6-839-845


Relevance. The combination of autonomous cell growth of a malignant tumor and controlled growth of the fetoplacental complex is a unique biological and complex clinical problem for diagnosis and treatment. According to literature data, the combination of pregnancy with stomach cancer occurs in 11% of cases. In almost 90% of cases, stomach cancer is diagnosticated in the II and III trimesters. Late diagnosis, the possibility of maternal death before the end of pregnancy and a high frequency of pregnancy termination worsen the prognosis for the mother and her fetus, and only 38% of children are born alive. The five-year survival rate in case of the combination of stomach cancer and pregnancy is 2.9%, which indicates an unfavorable impact of pregnancy on the stomach cancer progression.

Clinical case. The presented case of the combination of a full-term pregnancy that ended with a live fetus and an advanced stage of stomach cancer diagnosed in the postpartum period confirms the complexity of diagnosing this pathology during pregnancy and gives evidence of the absence of influence of stomach cancer in this situation on the course of pregnancy and its outcome, however, such a situation worsens the prognosis for the mother’s heath. The presence of metastases in the placenta, observed in our case, is a rare event, and it indicates the generalization of the oncological process in the patient.

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