Introduction. А decade ago, the artificial intelligence (AI), in particular, neural networks (NN), as a diagnostic opportunity in medical practice, seemed only a distant prospect. Nowadays, the AI is an increasingly popular and daily improving approach in all aspects of clinical and fundamental medicine. Purpose of the research: development of NN and training it to recognize four types of benign melanocytic skin lesions, and integration of the AI into a mobile application.
Material and Methods. Clinical and dermatoscopic examination of skin lesions was carried out in 600 pediatric patients. Tumors were removed and pathomorphologically verified in 65 cases. Dermal nevus was found in 43% (n=28), compound nevus ― in 33.8% (n=22), pyogenic granuloma ― in 10.8% (n=7), Spitz-nevus ― in 6.2% (n=4), blue nevus ― in 3.1% (n=2), and melanoma ― in 3.1% (n=2). Seven patients with pyogenic granulomas and two patients with melanoma were excluded from the test set during NN training. Augmentation has been carried out in the training set, therefore, the database has been increased from 600 images to 1800. The NN has been written in the machine language Python with the use of the machine learning framework TensorFlow 2.0. The network architecture is based on the pre-trained model «EfficientNet B7» with the use of «supervised learning» paradigm.
Results. After a period of learning, an accuracy up to 83% in determining /of the four types of melanocytic nevi has been achieved on the test set. Despite the limited sampling, sensitivity of the method, depending on the type of the lesion, was 100% (for blue nevus), 73% (compound nevus), 93% (dermal nevus), and 75% (Spitz-nevus);& The specificity was 98, 94, 82 and 98% respectively. Along with development and learning, the AI has been integrated into the mobile appication «KIDS NEVI» to provide practical usiage of the method.
Conclusion. The AI has demonstrated high potential as an auxiliary method for diagnosing melanocytic skin tumors in children and adolescents. Significant achievements in informative value have been presented despite the limited sample size.
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