Introduction. According to the GLOBOCAN estimates, by 2050 the incidence of cervical cancer is expected to increase by 50%, which shows the need to adjust the strategy of active detection and treatment in early stages. In this regard, the immediate implementation of optimized strategies for prevention, active screening and early treatment of cervical cancer is recommended.
Aim. To investigate the epidemiology of precancerous lesions based on data of a pilot visual cervical cancer screening study in two districts of the Republic of Tajikistan. Materials and methods. Visual screening was conducted for the first time in a pilot study in two districts of the Republic of Tajikistan with a population of 608,700. The target group included healthy women aged 30-49. A total of 68,400 people underwent visual examinations, representing a 94.2% coverage rate. The screening was based on a Schiller test, with visual inspection of cervix after applying Lugol's Iodine.
Results. In both districts, 164 cases of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) were identified. Among the population of the Kushoniyon district, the incidence rate of precancerous conditions of the cervix was 30.6 per 100,000 of the female population, in the B. Gafurov district - 71.2, with an overall incidence of 55.6 for both the districts. According to the screening data, the CIN incidence was 8.2 times higher than the incidence of cervical cancer. Prior to the screening, statistical methods were used to calculate the indicators according to the treatment demand indicator (TDI).
Conclusion. The first pilot project on introduction of visual screening in the Republic of Tajikistan has shown high incidence rates of precancerous lesions which significantly exceed the incidence of cervical cancer. The findings suggest a high potential for active detection of precancerous cervical lesions aimed at improving public health and reducing the incidence of cervical cancer.
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