Achievements of pediatric oncology in Azerbaijan
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pediatric oncology
aid organization in Azerbaijan

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Aliev, J., & Ismail-zade , R. (2023). Achievements of pediatric oncology in Azerbaijan. Voprosy Onkologii, 69(1), 115–120.


In Azerbaijan, the first pediatric oncology department opened on the premises of the National Oncology Center in 2012. This modern and well-equipped hospital has all of the necessary facilities for examination and treatment of children with cancer. A multidisciplinary team (pediatric medical oncologists, surgeons, and radiotherapists) is capable of performing all necessary diagnostic workup and providing appropriate treatment, according to international protocols.

Since 2012, the department has treated 1533 children with various cancers. The results indicate that modern treatment methods are extremely effective in achieving high survival rates in pediatric oncology patients.
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