Means and methods of alternative therapy for cancer: acupuncture - the effects and mechanisms of action
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alternative and complementary therapy for cancer

How to Cite

(2014). Means and methods of alternative therapy for cancer: acupuncture - the effects and mechanisms of action. Voprosy Onkologii, 60(5), 540–547.


Among means of alternative and complementary therapy for cancer, acupuncture holds a special place. This is because, unlike the most other methods of alternative and complementary therapy for cancer, efficacy and safety of acupuncture in the symptomatic treatment for cancer patients is considered as proven. Not accidentally such leading cancer centers in the USA as the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston integrated acupuncture in accepted in these centers treatment standards and are staffed by licensed professionals on acupuncture. Particular attention is drawn to the use of acupuncture in hospices. It is stressed that it is the most effective and safe in the performance by qualified licensed professionals.
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