On the evaluation of the risks of cancer incidence and mortality according to age-specific structure of the population
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cancer incidence
cancer mortality
cancer risk
risk-age models
adjusted risk

How to Cite

, & . (2014). On the evaluation of the risks of cancer incidence and mortality according to age-specific structure of the population. Voprosy Onkologii, 60(5), 571–577. https://doi.org/10.37469/0507-3758-2014-60-5-571-577


The paper discusses the approaches and methods to obtain comparable estimates of cancer incidence and mortality in the regions of the country based on adjustments of official data as well as on the average age of the population of each region. There are offered procedures of such adjustment per the linear dependence of cancer incidence and mortality on middle-aged population. There are provided modifications of the linear models on 20 malignant tumor sites, reflecting these dependences, on the basis of information from regions of the Russian Federation for 2007-2011. An example of the calculation of the average age-adjusted cancer incidence rate of female population of the Belgorod region is considered. By using the proposed methods there were received the comparative assessments of cancer incidence and mortality in men and women in eighty-three regions of the Russian Federation. Based on these indicators there are defined the rates of variation of the levels of these phenomena on the majority of considered regions and also determined the most advantaged and disadvantaged regions of the country in accordance with these indicators.
##article.numberofdownloads## 23
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