Cytokine status and phenotype of neutrophils in the progression of cervical cancer
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cervical cancer

How to Cite

, , , , , & . (2014). Cytokine status and phenotype of neutrophils in the progression of cervical cancer. Voprosy Onkologii, 60(5), 584–589.


There were assessed morphofunctional state of peripheral blood neutrophils and cytokine status in the serum of primary patients with progression of cervical cancer in the dynamics. Against the background of increasing the total number of neutrophils it was occurred a significant reduction in the phagocytic activity, aerobic and anaerobic bactericidal activity, an increase of the rigidity of the membrane and the change of cell cytoarchitectonies at Ib-IIa stage of the disease. At the same stage, in neutrophils there were reduced the level of IL-lβ and its receptor IL-IRa as well as the number of IFN-γ. Wherein there was increased the level of pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF-α. Cytokine status of the serum, characterized by significant boosting of IL-IRa and IL-18 while lowering TNF-α, IFN-γ and IL-2, was advantageous for tumor progression and was detected at Ib-IIa stage of cervical cancer. The observed changes of cytokine status in the serum and morphofunctional state of neutrophils were discussed in the light of connection with the possibility of potential pro-tumor effect of the latter.
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