Associating of polymorphism in the promoter regions of genes of metalloproteinase (MMP2, MMP3, MMP9) with options of the clinical course of breast cancer in Russian women
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breast cancer
matrix metalloproteinase

How to Cite

, , , & . (2014). Associating of polymorphism in the promoter regions of genes of metalloproteinase (MMP2, MMP3, MMP9) with options of the clinical course of breast cancer in Russian women. Voprosy Onkologii, 60(5), 630–635.


There were analyzed associating of functional polymorphism of the promoter regions of genes MMP2 C - 1306T, MMP 9 C -1562 T, MMP3 5A -1171 6A in a group of healthy women and breast cancer patients in order to identify informative markers associated with the risk of developing the disease. The study included 395 DNA samples from women with breast cancer and 329 healthy women. Genotyping of polymorphisms was carried out by restriction analysis of amplification products (RFLP-analysis). Among female patients there was revealed significantly seldom a carrier of 6A6A MMP3-1117 and MMP 9-1562TT genotypes and also significantly increased the frequency of MMP3 5A6A genotype. The risk of lymph node metastasis reduced in patients with MMP9-1562CC genotype. Conversely heterozygosis at this position could be regarded as risk factor for metastasis. It was revealed associating of MMP3 5A6A genotype with the degree of malignancy.
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