Circular resection margin - the actual predictor of surgical treatment for rectal cancer
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rectal cancer
circular resection margin
results of treatment
prognostic factors

How to Cite

, , , , , & . (2014). Circular resection margin - the actual predictor of surgical treatment for rectal cancer. Voprosy Onkologii, 60(6), 679–682.


Treatment for rectal cancer has significantly changed in recent decades. The widespread adoption of total mesorectumectomy combined with the extensive use of radiation and chemotherapy has led to improved prognosis. One of the most important predictors of the effectiveness of surgical treatment for rectal cancer is the status of the circular resection margin. Since the description of its clinical significance in 1986, the involvement of the circular edge is associated with a poor prognosis putting long-term results of treatment depending on the evaluation of the quality of surgery. However up to date diagnostics of circular resection margin status is not included in standards of morphological studies.
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