Larynx cancer in the Tomsk region: assessment of cancer care based on survival rates (2004-2013)
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larynx cancer
population-based cancer registry
cancer prevention
Tomsk region

How to Cite

, , , , & . (2014). Larynx cancer in the Tomsk region: assessment of cancer care based on survival rates (2004-2013). Voprosy Onkologii, 60(6), 683–686.


There was studied population-based survival of 425 patients with larynx cancer in the Tomsk region, which had been diagnosed in 2004-2013. Based on database of the cancer registry it was performed estimation by actuarial method and analysis of the observed, adjusted and relative survival. Survival rates were higher in female population (excluding the one-year observed survival, which was 4.5% more than in male population). Survival of patients diagnosed in the period of 2009-2013 was higher compared with patients identified in 2004-2008. The life expectancy of patients of urban cohort was more than that of rural. Evaluation of survival showed positive trends in the specialized treatment of patients with cancer of the larynx in the Tomsk region. Low level of early detection and one-year survival and high (advanced disease) testified the low efficiency of primary diagnosis of cancer of the larynx, lack of oncological alertness of physicians of primary contact and weak connection of the specialized institutions with general health care system. The measures for the prevention of larynx cancer are provided.
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