On the diagnostic and prognostic significance of the oncomarker survivin (BIRC5) in bladder cancer
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bladder cancer (BC)
survivin (BIRC5)
single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) -31G/С rs9904341

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Panamarev, N., Bashmakova, E., Kudryavtsev, A., Chernyaev, D., Mazaev, A., Slepov, E., Zukov, R., & Frank , L. (2023). On the diagnostic and prognostic significance of the oncomarker survivin (BIRC5) in bladder cancer . Voprosy Onkologii, 69(2), 308–315. https://doi.org/10.37469/0507-3758-2023-69-2-308-315


Аim. To evaluate the content of survivin in urine as a diagnostic marker for bladder cancer (BC) and to investigate the prognostic value of the rs9904341 (-31G>C) polymorphism in BIRC5 gene promoter in relation to the aggressiveness of BC course among the population of the Krasnoyarsk region.

Materials and methods. The content of survivin was analyzed by immunoassay in 43 urine samples from patients, including 27 with bladder cancer, 4 with other malignant neoplasms, 8 with inflammatory diseases of the urogenital system and benign hyperplasia, and 4 healthy donors. DNA samples from BC patients (285) and healthy donors (183) were genotyped using the previously developed method based on bioluminescence analysis. Quantitative data were compared using the Mann-Whitney U test, and the Pearson χ2 test was used to compare genotype frequencies between BC cases and controls. The association between the polymorphism and BC was evaluated using odds ratios with a 95 % confidence interval, and p < 0.05 was considered significant.

Results. Urine survivin was found to be a parameter capable of defining patients with BC from healthy individuals with a sensitivity of 66.7 % and specificity of 100 %. Elevated levels of survivin were detected in samples from patients with inflammatory diseases and benign hyperplasia of the urinary tract.

It was shown that the -31G>C (rs9904341) polymorphism is not a significant risk factor for the development or recurrence of BC in patients from the Krasnoyarsk region. However, carriage of the GG allele may be a predictor of aggressive disease progression with rapid invasion into the muscular wall of the bladder (48.7 % vs 35.7 %, p = 0.02).

Conclusion. Survivin is a good pre-diagnostic marker for detecting patients with urinary tract diseases: its elevated level in urine may indicate the development of malignant (including BC) and benign hyperplasia, as well as inflammatory diseases of the urothelium. The development of Russian “alarm” urine survivin test for rapid and non-invasive diagnostics is promising. The polymorphism -31G>C (rs9904341) can be considered as a predictor of aggressive course of BC.

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