Relevance and Legal Basis for Fertility Preservation of Cancer Patients: Institutional Experience and Literature Review
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fertility preservation
cancer patient of reproductive age
gonadotoxic treatment
legal aspect

How to Cite

Lavrinovich, O. E., Karitsky А. P., & Kotiv, K. B. (2024). Relevance and Legal Basis for Fertility Preservation of Cancer Patients: Institutional Experience and Literature Review. Voprosy Onkologii, 70(2), 368–376.


Introduction. Malignant neoplasms (MN) are an important medical and social problem of modern public healthcare system. More and more patients of reproductive age face oncologic diseases and subsequent gonadotoxic therapy. Improvement of treatment methods, creation of new drugs leads to an increase in survival rates. With the development of new technologies, rehabilitation measures to restore impaired or lost functions and ensure a satisfactory quality of life are taking on a new meaning and reaching a new level of possible assistance. Nowadays rehabilitation measures for cancer patients should undoubtedly include measures to preserve, restore fertility and reproductive function.

Aim. To analyze the relevance and the legal framework regulating fertility preservation in cancer patients. To evaluate relevance demand for fertility preservation in cancer patients of reproductive age receiving treatment in N.N. Petrov NMRC of Oncology.

Results. Due to the lack of large prospective cohort and randomized trials on oncofertility, the level of evidence does not exceed "Class (level) III (C): controlled trials without randomization on a limited number of patients". Despite the great interest in this field of medicine, the practical implementation of measures and methods remains at a low level due to the lack of reliable statistical data and clinical recommendations based on them. Today, fertility preservation for cancer patients in the Russian Federation is only possible at the patient's own expense. The analysis of mandatory counselling of oncological patients at fertile age and the possibility of implementation of fertility preservation methods in N.N. Petrov NMRC of Oncology was performed. Over 2 years Oncofertility Laboratory conducted 594 primary consultations for patients from 18 to 45 years old, which made up 10.4 % of the whole reproductive group of patients with high risk of fertility loss. 24.9 % (n = 148) of all consulted patients used assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) to preserve their reproductive potential. Given the importance of the development of this approach and the progress of modern technologies in oncological medical institutions at the federal level, it is necessary to organise specialised care for fertility preservation.
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