The evaluation of efficacy of modern methods of primary and specifying diagnosis of lung cancer
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lung cancer
low-dose computed tomography
transthoracic stereotactic biopsy

How to Cite

, , , , , , , , , , , & . (2014). The evaluation of efficacy of modern methods of primary and specifying diagnosis of lung cancer. Voprosy Onkologii, 60(6), 695–699.


The paper summarizes references and presents an analysis of own research dedicated to use the low-dose computed tomography in risk groups of the early diagnosis of primary lung cancer. It is showed that the method can detect pathological changes (nodes) in the parenchyma of lungs, suspicious of early peripheral cancer in 24.1% of study participants. Efficiency of use transthoracic percutaneous core biopsy as a method of specifying diagnostics is 85.7%, and it is directly dependent on the size of foci and their location in the parenchyma of lungs. Modern methods of navigation of trephine needles, in particular stereotactic robotic biopsy, can receive sufficient volume of pathological tissue samples for subsequent full morphological study designed to individualize and optimize treatment algorithms.
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