Antitumor activity of prospidin in murine hepatoma MG-22a
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murine hepatoma MG-22a

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, , , , & . (2014). Antitumor activity of prospidin in murine hepatoma MG-22a. Voprosy Onkologii, 60(6), 755–760.


In experiments in vivo the antitumor effect of prospidin (N., N "- bis (γ- chloro -β- hydroxypropyl)-N ', N" dispirotripiperazinil dichloride) has been studied. This drug was produced in Russia. After subcutaneous transplantation to C3HA mice back of the murine hepatoma (MG-22a) cells (2x105 per mouse), tumors developed in 100% of animals on the 10 th day. Then all mice were divided into five groups and prospidin was intraperitoneally given at concentration 5-500 mg/kg for three days at different terms after tumor cell transplantation (11-13, 16-18 and 21-23 days). Under these conditions, the death of mice was registered only after injection of high concentration of drug (more than 350 mg/ kg). The most pronounced antitumor effect was revealed after introduction on 250 mg/kg of prospidin given at 1113 days, i.e. just after tumor development. In this case a complete resorption of tumors was observed in 60% of mice. By the end of observation (on 40th day after MG-22a cell transplantation) 86,7% of animals of control group were dead, whereas, in drug treated group all animals were alive on 25th day. The mean tumor volume being 54.4 times was less than in control group after injection to mice 10 and 50 mg/kg of prospidin. Mean tumor volume was 11 and 10 times smaller, respectively. Thus, prospidin has distinct antitumor activity most pronounced in the early stages of tumor development.
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