Epidemiological characteristics of malignant tumor incidence of the population of the Perm region
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malignant tumors
long-term dynamics
sex-age structure

How to Cite

, , , , & . (2016). Epidemiological characteristics of malignant tumor incidence of the population of the Perm region. Voprosy Onkologii, 62(1), 53–56. https://doi.org/10.37469/0507-3758-2016-62-1-53-56


The article presents the results of an epidemiological descriptive and retrospective study of the malignant tumor incidence in the Perm region according to official statistics for the 2002-2014. Through the use of standardized rates it was revealed that the incidence of growth mainly due to an increased risk of illness because of the intensification of epidemiological factors (13,1%). Changes in the total extent and structure of population resulted in growth of number of cases by 3,5% of the total increase. Over 80% of the total incidence was recorded among persons older than 50 years. Cancer of the breast, skin, colon and rectum and lung were characterized by the greatest intensity of oncoepidemiological process. The highest growth rate of incidence had ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, endometrial cancer and prostate cancer.
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