The risk-adaptive strategies of Hodgkin's lymphoma therapy
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Hodgkin’s lymphoma
risk-adaptive therapy
polichemotherapy MOPP
prognostic factors

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, , , , , , , , , , , & . (2016). The risk-adaptive strategies of Hodgkin’s lymphoma therapy. Voprosy Onkologii, 62(2), 330–339.


Using of radiochemotherapy improves short-term and long-term results of treatment in patients with primary Hodgkin’s lymphoma (HL) comparing with treatment by chemotherapy alone. The rates of 5-year, 10-year OS and DFS are 88%, 83% and 90%, 86% in case of radiochemotherapy, versus 73%, 66% and 72%, 68% using chemotherapy alone. The 5-year and 10-year OS, DFS estimates in treatment with ABVD are 84% and 83%, 75% and 74%; BEACOPP-baseline - 83% and 82%, 82% and 81% (p<0.05). At the same time ABVD chemotherapy develops less toxicity (p<0.001). The treatment with 6 cycles of ABVD is considered as the most appropriate in primary Hodgkin’s lymphoma patients with extranodal lesions. Comparison of complications rate during chemotherapy with MOPP, ABVD, BEACOPP-baseline, BEACOPP-escalated reveals major hematologic toxicity and infectious complications rate in BEACOPP-escalated program (p<0,05). The age ≥45 years, hemoglobin <105g/l, B symptoms, fibrinogen >5g/l, involvement of 3 and more areas of lymph nodes, liver involvement, inguinal lymph nodes are defined by the multiple-factor analysis as adverse prognostic factors of patients with primary Hodgkin’s lymphoma (HL) with extranodal lesions (p<0.05). Allocation of group of high risk is proved by correlation between survival and the Prognostic Score (PS). The 5-year and 10-year DFS, OS for patients with PS-0-2 estimates are 88% and 86%, 89% and 83%, for patients with PS-3-4 - 78% and 69%, 80% and 77%, for patients with PS-5-6 - 43% and 42%, 60% and 38% respectively (p<0.001).
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