Radioprotector indralin at early and late manifestations of local radiation injuries


Experimental model of acute local radiation injuries (LRI) was the degree of radiation skin burns of mouse paws, observed through the 10 day within 1 month after local γ -60Co-irradiation at the doses of 20-45 Gy. For late local radiation injuries with a maximum of over 6 months after exposure to radiation, model was the contracture of animal paws and post-radiation amputation of limbs of the mouse. In the experiments on mice radioprotector indralin (B-190) IP as direct α1-adrenomimetic has a expressed protective effect on reducing acute and late LRI, equal in terms of dose reduction factor (DRF) 1.4 -1.5 that was comparable to their efficacy during radiation injuries of hematopoietic tissues. Indralin fully retain its radioprotective properties (DRF = 1.5-1.7) in the condition of repeated radioprotector administration through one day at total dose of 57 Gy (three times 19 Gy) of fractionated γ -irradiation. The protective effect of indralin improved at parenteral administration in the place of local irradiation. The local topical application of indralin in the ointments or in solution of dimethylsulfoxide has radioprotective effect, equal in the term of DRF to 1.3 -1.5 at acute and late LRI. Indralin also possessed a expressed radioprotective properties (DRF = 1.5) in decrease radiation injuries of salivary glands during local irradiation of head of rats.
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