Melatonin in complex treatment for colorectal cancer patients
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colorectal cancer
surgical treatment

How to Cite

(2016). Melatonin in complex treatment for colorectal cancer patients. Voprosy Onkologii, 62(3), 413–417.


Colorectal cancer is closely related to changes in the immune status at all stages of the disease. The main method of treatment for colorectal cancer is surgery. Surgical intervention as any pathological impact on the body from the outside is leading to suppression of both humoral and cellular immunity. Melatonin can be used to stimulate the immune system acting as a protective agent. Currently melatonin is used in oncology practice rather modest - as part of a complex postoperative therapy. Melatonin in pharmaceutical concentrations acts as differentiation factor reducing infiltrative and metastatic potential by restoring the links between signaling molecules and inhibiting existing cell-cell contacts, which can be used in the preoperative therapy.
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