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proton therapy
pituitary adenoma

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, , , , , , , , & . (2013). THE RESULTS OF PROTON RADIOSURGERY FOR PITUITARY ENDOSELLAR ADENOMAS. Voprosy Onkologii, 70(2), 465–469.


465 patients with pituitary endosellar adenomas have passed irradiation on the synchrocyclotron PNPI (1000 MeV). Due to the high energy of the proton beam the rotating-convergent shoot-through technique was used. The single dose of 80-100 Gy was given. In patients with prolactin adenomas clinical remission was detected in 80%, and the stabilization of the disease was achieved in 15%. Pregnancies in 21 patients ended in the birth of healthy children, and 4 of them gave the birth twice. Complete clinical remission was observed in 92% of patients with Cushing’s disease. Sustained recovery and full normalization of growth hormone level were observed during long-term follow-up in 86% of patients with acromegaly. There was significant reducing of the high hormone level on the fifth year of follow-up in any clinical form of pituitary adenomas while the development of the secondary hypopituitarism was not detected in the most of the patients. Clinical remission in patients with non-secreting adenomas was 95%. Irradiation by the proton beam was not accompanied by serious life-threatening complications. Thus this type of treatment for pituitary endosellar adenomas is highly effective and safe and, sometimes, the only method.
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