Superior Pulmonary Sulcus (Pancoast) Tumor: Historical Aspect, Terms and Definitions
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Pancoast tumor
Pancost syndrome
superior pulmonary sulcus

How to Cite

Kurchyn, V., Akopov , A., & Kuznetsova, T. (2023). Superior Pulmonary Sulcus (Pancoast) Tumor: Historical Aspect, Terms and Definitions. Voprosy Onkologii, 69(3), 565–570.


The article describes the stages of forming modern understanding about Pancost's tumor, clinically manifested by pain syndrome and eye disorders. The established eponym of tumor and syndrome includes the name of the American radiologist G.K. Pancoast, who described in detail the clinical and radiological semiotics of the tumor and gave it the name "superior pulmonary sulcus tumor." The validity of the name, organ origin of the tumor, anatomical aspects, its histogenesis and features of the clinical course were the subject of a discussion  until now. The historical priority of describing the tumor and syndrome belongs to the English surgeon E.S. Hare, however his discovery became widely known after the eponym associated with the name of G.K. Pancoast arose. And today there are misconceptions in scientific publications about Pancoast's concept of this tumor and its name - "superior pulmonary sulcus tumor."
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