The frequency and localization of the development of intracranial metastases of extracerebral neoplasms (literature review).
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brain tissue

How to Cite

Dubrovskaya, V. F., Kostenikov, N. A., & Kataeva, G. V. (2023). The frequency and localization of the development of intracranial metastases of extracerebral neoplasms (literature review). Voprosy Onkologii, 69(3), 383–388.


The literature review presents the results of studies on the frequency of development and localization of intracranial metastases of malignant tumors of extracerebral localization. The data on the areas of primary implantation and probable ways of transport of neoplasm cells into brain tissue with the formation of tumor nodes are presented. Clinical observations on the metastasis of various tumors into primary brain neoplasms are presented. The results are considered from the standpoint of the importance of cellular and hemodynamic factors. The conclusion is made about the expediency of studying the cellular composition of combined histotype tumors and the presence of neuroendocrine elements in them that increase the frequency and extent of metastasis of malignant neoplasms. In this regard, lung and breast cancers with the highest frequency of metastasizing to the brain are of interest. The literature search was conducted on the databases Scopus, Web of Science, MedLine and RSCI.
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