Blood DNA radiosentivity as a predictive bindex of radiochemical treatment efficacy in cervical cancer patients
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cervical cancer
radiochemical treatment
blood DNA
efficacy treatment prediction

How to Cite

, , , , , & . (2016). Blood DNA radiosentivity as a predictive bindex of radiochemical treatment efficacy in cervical cancer patients. Voprosy Onkologii, 62(4), 465–470.


Study of cervical cancer patients with I-III stage was performed with biomarker determination of the blood DNA radiosensitivity ex vivo. The biochemical index was measured before treatment start during 4 hours by use fluorescent dye. The relationship between changes of these index levels and volume tumor reductions after radiochemical treatment evidenced that blood DNA radiosensitivity was enabled to predict an outcome of the cervical cancer patient treatment earlier than the assessment of therapy efficacy by help of ultrasound measurements.
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