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colorectal cancer
hepatic arterial infusion

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There was conducted an assessment of the effectiveness of a combination of systemic and regional modes of chemotherapy versus systemic chemoinfusion in treatment of 70 patients with unresectable metastases of colorectal cancer in the liver after extrahepatic progression of a disease. The use of combined therapy statistically significantly increased overall survival more than doubled as compared to a group of systemic chemotherapy (median 10 vs. 4.5 months, p = 0,002) as well as the time before intrahepatic progression (median 5.9 vs. 3.5 months, p = 0.01). In addition, there was a trend toward a greater frequency of objective responses in the combination therapy group 18% in comparison with 9.7% in the systemic chemotherapy group (p = 0.49) but the difference was not statistically significant and it needed further study on more clinical material.
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