Adhesive Activity of Peripheral Venous Blood Leukocytes under in Vitro Conditions in Patients with Malignant Neoplasms
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malignant neoplasms
mononuclear cells
extracellular and membrane receptors

How to Cite

Dobrodeeva, L., & Samodova , A. (2023). Adhesive Activity of Peripheral Venous Blood Leukocytes under in Vitro Conditions in Patients with Malignant Neoplasms. Voprosy Onkologii, 69(4), 665–675.


Aim. To determine the influence of extracellular pool concentrations of cluster of differentiation and autoantibodies on adhesive properties of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in individuals with malignant neoplasms.

Materials and methods. The study presents the results of immunological examination of cancer patients (566) and practically healthy individuals (103). Concentrations of IL-1β, TNF-α, IL-6, IL-10, IFN-γ, IgA, IgM, IgG, IgE, autoantibodies to phospholipids, phosphatidic acid, double-stranded DNA and rheumatoid factor were determined in blood serum. Additionally, lymphocyte phenotypes (CD3+, CD16+, CD23+, CD25+, CD54+, CD71+) and concentrations of sCD71, sCD25, sCD23, and sCD54 were studied.

In vitro study of the adhesive properties of mononuclear cells in peripheral venous blood leukocyte suspensions of 67 cancer patients and 23 practically healthy subjects aged 21-56 years was carried out along with parallel immunological examination.

Results. Immune reactions to malignant neoplasms are characterized by low activity of phagocytes and cytotoxic effector cells, accompanied by the active production of antibodies that involve IgE and a wide range of autoantibodies. The low level of activity of phagocyte and cytotoxic peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients is associated with the suppression of their adhesion to glass under in vitro conditions. Reduced adhesive activity to glass of leukocytes in peripheral blood of patients is associated with suppression of their spreading ability, exophagy, and nuclear activity.

Weak adhesion to glass of mononuclear cells in peripheral venous blood of patients is associated with increased concentrations of adhesion molecules (sCD54), transferrin receptors (sCD71), interleukin-2 (sCD25) and FcII (sCD23) in the blood serum, which are shed by the cell when their concentration on the membrane is excessive. Cell aggregates and clasmatosis, considered as signs of ineffective cytotoxicity, were more frequently registered among adhered mononuclear cells in patients.

Conclusion. Immune reactions to malignant neoplasms are characterized not only by a high level of humoral response involving IgE and a significant spectrum of autoantibodies but also by low efficiency of cytotoxic effector cells and phagocytes. The low level of activity of phagocytes and cytotoxic peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients is associated with the suppression of their adhesion to the glass under in vitro conditions. The decrease in adhesive properties of mononuclears is due to the shedding of receptor structures from the membrane when the cell cytosol is overloaded with external signals. The loss of adhesive abilities of mononuclears is accompanied by an increase in the frequency of aggregate formation and clasmatosis.
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