Milestones in the History of the Establishment of the Oncological Service of the Russian Federation: Analysis of the Prerequisites, Significance and Results of the Implementation of the Historic Decree of 1945. Review of archival materials on the eve of the 80th anniversary of the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of 30.04.1945 No. 935 «On Measures to Improve the Cancer Care of the Population»
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organization of health care
oncology service
cancer prevention
cancer diagnosis
accessibility of health care
the Great Patriotic War

How to Cite

Aksenova, I. A., Popova, N. V., Starinsky, V. V., & Khodakova, O. V. (2024). Milestones in the History of the Establishment of the Oncological Service of the Russian Federation: Analysis of the Prerequisites, Significance and Results of the Implementation of the Historic Decree of 1945. Review of archival materials on the eve of the 80th anniversary of the Decree of the Council of People’s Commissars of the USSR of 30.04.1945 No. 935 «On Measures to Improve the Cancer Care of the Population». Voprosy Onkologii, 70(4), 783–793.


We have studied the origins of access to qualified health care for cancer patients. As part of this study, we examined the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR issued on April 30, 1945, No. 935, titled «On Measures to Improve the Cancer Care of the Population» (hereinafter — the Decree of the CPC). This decree aimed to create an integral multi-level system of health care in the USSR. Simultaneously, it focused on organizing separate links of oncology service. By the end of the Great Patriotic War (hereinafter — GPW), it was necessary to organize a full-fledged system of specialized health care for cancer patients. However, the implementation of these goals faced several difficulties. The post-war period brought unfavorable conditions; including destroyed infrastructure over large areas and a shortage of medical personnel. The efforts invested in the implementation of the Decree of the CPC, the involvement of various departments, truly represent a feat of the Soviet people. The structural transformation of the oncology service, approved by the Decree of the CPC, formed the basis of the system of health care for cancer patients, which continues to operate successfully and is constantly improving.
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