Review of Research and Key Recommendations for the Safe Use of Oral Anticancer Drugs
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аnticancer drugs
anticancer medications
oral drugs
oral therapy
safe use

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Agafonova, J. A., Snegovoy, A. V., Omelyanovskiy, V. V., Vakhrusheva, T. S., Grebennikova, O. P., & Selchuk, V. Y. (2024). Review of Research and Key Recommendations for the Safe Use of Oral Anticancer Drugs. Voprosy Onkologii, 70(4), 614–621.


Introduction. The international professional community has developed specific management programs and guidelines for healthcare professionals and patients taking oral anticancer drugs (OACDs). However, there is limited and fragmentary data on the safe use of OACDs in the research and scientific literature published in Russian.

Aim. To outline the key safety aspects of OACD therapy and provide a list of safe use guidelines for both patients and healthcare providers. The authors recommend the use of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC) MASCC Oral Agent Teaching Tool (MOATT) structured guidelines and the National Community Oncology Dispensing Association (NCODA) Oral Chemotherapy Education guidelines adapted for patient self-administration.  The authors of this article have translated and adapted the MOATT. The translation is available on the official MASCC website in Russian for practical application and further research.
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