Stereotactic Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for Uveal Melanoma: 10-year Experience
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uveal melanoma
stereotactic radiosurgery
radiation therapy

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Yarovoy, A. A., Golanov, A. V., Galbatsova, A. G., Kostyushenko, V. V., Osinov, I. K., & Yarovaya, V. A. (2024). Stereotactic Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for Uveal Melanoma: 10-year Experience. Voprosy Onkologii, 70(4), 661–668.


Introduction. Uveal melanoma (UM) is a primary adult malignancy with an aggressive course and high metastatic potential. At present, the generally accepted treatment for UM is brachytherapy. However, in cases where brachytherapy cannot be used to treat large tumors and the patient refuses to undergo enucleation of the eyeball, Gamma Knife stereotactic radiosurgery (GK SRS) can be used as an alternative.

Aim. To present a 10-year experience of treating patients with UM using GK SRS.

Materials and Methods. From 2012 to 2023, 80 UM patients (80 eyes) aged 13 to 77 years (mean age — 47 years) were treated with the GK SRS method. There were 47 (58 %) females and 33 (42 %) males, including 3 children aged 13, 14 and 17. Tumor height before treatment ranged from 3.1 to 10.8 mm (mean — 8.0 mm), basal diameter — from 8.7 to 20 mm (mean 13.8 mm). According to the international TNM system, the tumor was T3 in 56 (70 %) cases, T2 in 16 (20 %), T4 in 6 (7 %) and T1 in 2 (3 %). The prescribed dose was 40 Gy in 5 cases, 35 Gy in 12 cases, and 30 Gy in the remaining 63 cases with a 50 % isodose curve (from 32 to 67 %).

Results. The treated eye was spared in 94 % (n = 75) of cases. In all cases, these eyes were eligible for enucleation according to CR-2020 for the UM treatment, of which 3 were the only eyes. Eyes were enucleated in 5 cases (6 %) due to tumor progression on treatment (n = 3) and development of complications (n = 2). 16 (20 %) patients showed complete tumor regression, 61 (76 %) patients showed partial regression. The average tumor height after GK SRS was 5.6 mm (ranging from 1.6 to 11.5 mm), length — 14.08 mm (ranging from 8.7 to 20 mm). The average regression rate of the tumor was 30 %. Complications occurred in 88 % (n = 70) of cases: radiation retinopathy (n = 48, 68 %), radiation neuropathy (n = 6, 8 %), posterior capsular cataract (n = 6, 8 %), vitreous hemorrhage (n = 4, 5 %), uveitis (n = 3, 4 %) and neovascular glaucoma (n = 3, 4 %).

Conclusion. Our many years of experience with GK SRS on large UMs demonstrates the efficacy and safety of this technique.
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