The The Role of the Doctor and Parents in Shaping the Attitudes of an Adolescent with Cancer towards the Disease
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oncological disease
adolescent’s attitude to the disease
adolescent’s attitude to treatment
relationship between adolescent and doctor
relationship between sick adolescents and their parents

How to Cite

Pestereva, E. V., Rusakova, E. A., Chulkova, V. A., & Kuleva, S. A. (2024). The The Role of the Doctor and Parents in Shaping the Attitudes of an Adolescent with Cancer towards the Disease. Voprosy Onkologii, 70(4), 733–740.


Introduction. Cancer changes social aspects of adolescent development. Adolescents are faced with the psychological challenge of adjusting to a changed life situation, coping with the psychological consequences of the disease. The psychological adaptation of the adolescent to the disease is greatly influenced by the attending doctor and parents: they are the ones who inform and emotionally support the adolescent during the treatment.

Aim. To outline the role of the treating doctor and parents in shaping attitudes to illness in adolescents with cancer.

Materials and Methods. The study involved 20 adolescents aged between 13 and 17 years in the course of disease treatment (leukemia, sarcoma, lymphoma, brain tumor); clinical-psychological (clinical interview and observation) and experimental-psychological («Type of attitude to the disease») methods were used.

Results. 60 % of adolescents showed maladaptive attitudes towards the disease; 65 % preferred to receive information about the disease from the doctor, 85 % wanted to know the doctor's opinion about treatment and 50 % noted that the relationship with the doctor was a resource in overcoming the hardships of treatment; 65 % noted the need for emotional support from a loved one, for 50 % of adolescents the relationship with parents was one of the motives for recovery.

Conclusion. Adolescents prefer to receive information about the disease and treatment from a doctor; they strive for the most appropriate cognitive evaluation of the disease and treatment; parental support influences the emotional side of the attitude towards the disease and treatment.
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