Mesonephric (clear cell) cervical cancer


Mezonefric cervical cancer was more prevalent in younger women (mean age 42,2 ± 1,2 years) with no classic predisposing factors. In most cases (62.1%) the localized stage of the disease (I., II stages) dominated. Regional metastases correlated with depth of tumor invasion (with a depth of invasion of more than 10 mm—57.8%). There was marked low expression of HER2/ neu (only in 1 of 14 samples it was revealed light positive reaction. Proliferation index Ki-67 was 37.5% and the signs of mutation in the p53 gene were found in 28.4% of cases. Estimating that two thirds of patients with clear-cervical cancer revealed localized forms of the disease, and that most of the women had received the combination treatment (51.8%)—a 5-year survival rate was quite high and was 79.3%.
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